Story Time
A little story by little ol' me
Once upon a time in a faraway land, there was once a little stray cat, he traveled to many places
looking for a place to belong, yet nowhere satisfied him.
One day when he was traveling once more,
he met a knight in black armor,
the knight offered a trade to the little stray cat and he accepted,
but you see...
The little stray cat was greedy, he attacked the knight when he
turned his back to the stray cat, but the knights armor protected him, and lets just say
stray cat did not win the fight... and so the little stray cat was cast down to
the depths of the underworld, forced to stay there for eternity for his sins.
but one day the stray cat had an epiphany, he wanted to run a circus, he wanted
to lessen the pain of the people of hell, and so he did just that.
he called himself "Nikola The ClownPain" from then on.
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